Goatein is the highest quality protein powder available. It contains all eight essential amino acids protein building blocks crucial to enhancing your immune system and alleviating the effects of oxidative stress on the body.Goatein protein is produced from goats milk that contains no chemicals, antibiotics or female growth hormones, leaving its amino acids, enzymes and beneficial bacteria in their purest forms. Because the smaller molecules in goats milk are closer in size and composition to human milk, Goatein protein is easy to digest and can be tolerated by many people who cannot digest cows milk. Additionally, Goatein protein is partially predigested using our proprietary Poten-Zyme process to enhance nutrient absorption and bio-availability.ご使用の目安 Adults take one scoop mixed with 8 ounces of juice or water as often as desired. Blend or shake vigorously. Great in smoothies, mixed in cereals or sprinkled on yogurt. 英語商品名 Goatein - Pure Goat’s Milk Protein Vanilla 440 grams メーカー名 GARDEN OF LIFE社 内容量 商品総重量 535.8g 成分内容()総カロリー 80、カロリー 脂肪由来 5、総脂質 0.5g 1、コレステロール 5mg 2、ナトリウム 20mg 1、総炭水化物 5g 2、食物繊維 1g 4、糖質 3g、タンパク質 13g 26、カルシウム 270mg 27、As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. Goats milk protein concentrate, natural vanilla flavor, contains less than 1.0% of Guar Gum, Lo Han Fruit Concentrate. 1) 広告文責 池田昭広 050-3593-7343 2) メーカー名 Garden Of Life 3) 原産国 アメリカ合衆国 4) 商品区分 健康食品